Tuesday, February 7, 2017

Mission Field

All of life in Christ is a mission field.  Every where I go I must prepare my heart for the challenges that face me as I move along this path of life.  Some say, we are seeking God, but scripture tells us that we are not seeking after God but really seeking for our own self preservation.  My mission field has been, up to now, my family and raising my 4 children.  I have prayed for each of their salvations and for Jesus to do whatever it takes so that they know Him.  Our situations have not always been comfortable and easy, but the Lord came first.  We laugh over the years of homeschool when I over focused on devotions, trying to help them see how special they are to the Lord.  I wanted them, above all, to know the Love of Christ, that will win them and guide them through any situation they will face in their life.  This is the ultimate importance, that our children learn the love that will sustain them, guide them, and ultimately they will fall back on while moving on this path of life.

We recently returned from my first distant missions trip.  I was filled with a sense of awe how people in this distant land want the same for their children in their little church.  Love, joy, peace, kindness, mercy and grace.  We are all seeking that in our hearts, every day.  This is what Christ does, giving us this fruit that overflows in our hearts and we may go and share it whereever our mission field is today.